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Ven. Kensur Jhado Rinpoche

Rinpoche was born in Tibet in 1954 and at the age of three was recognised as the 6th reincarnation in the lineage of Jhado Tulku. After escaping from the Chinese occupation, Rinpoche studied at Sera Je Monastery - where he received extensive teachings by many great lamas as Khensur Rinpoche and the great master Lobsang Wangchuk - and after at the Gyuto Tantric Monastic University. He held the degree of Geshe Lharampa, the highest rank in the Gelugpa School. Rinpoche received many transmissions from both his Holiness the Dalai Lama and His tutors, including the great non-sectarian lineage Masters such as Trulshig Rinpoche and Chogye Trichen Rinpoche. He was the Abbot of Namgyal Monastery in Dharamsala, India, from 1997 to 2004. The Namgyal Monastery, founded in 1568 by the third Dalai Lama, served as a private monastery for the subsequent Dalai Lamas.

Ven. Tulku Gyatso Rinpoche


The Ven. Tulku Gyatso Rinpoche was born in Tibet in 1932; he was the reincarnation of Dikalsang Namgyal, a famous Lama of the monastic Dzadrei Kantsen College. Tulku Gyatso became a monk at the age of 13; he studied at the Bum Ning Monastery till when in 1960 he was imprisoned by the Chinese and condemned to hard labours. He was released after 21 years and in 1982 he took refuge in India at the new Sera Je Monastery, founded again in Karnataka, where in 1994 he got the title of Gheshe, a master who is perfectly qualified in the exposition of Sutra and Tantra. He has been in Italy since 2000 according to the S.S. the Dalai Lama and Lama Zopa Rinpoche instruction. He was well known for his ability to explain the texts and to offer effective advice about the practice; his deep kindness, humbleness and wisdom succeeded in conquering the heart of numerous disciples all over Italy. He was the resident Lama of the Ewam Centre in Florence. He left His body on 1st December 2011 after ten days from his death in which he meditated steadily in the clear light.

Ven. Geshe Tenzin Temphel

Geshe Tenzin Temphel entered the monastery at the age of seven.
He comes from the Monastic University of Sera Je where he took his degree of Geshe Larampa - the highest recognition in the classic studies of the monastic Gelupa' s Universities - and he continued his studies in the Tantric Gyuto's college.
He has been living and teaching in Italy at the Lama Tzong Khapa Institute since 1998, where he is now a teacher of the FPMT Basic program.
He is particularly appreciated for his clear teachings and sense of humour , some qualities which permitted him to interest the western people more and more.